우리는 무료 젊은 여성 건강 클리닉, 상담, 침술, 마사지 요법, 정보 및 소개를 포함한 다양한 건강 및 사회 서비스를 제공하는 전문 직원을 고용합니다.
매달 다양한 워크샵과 수업을 진행하고 있습니다. 이벤트 캘린더를 확인하세요 What's On 페이지 에서 정보 및 정기 업데이트를 확인하세요.
Please note that the number of appointments available for counselling and massage are limited and depend on recommendations by a practitioner and in accordance with Centre policies. Some of our services require a booking (either in-person or online), others are 'drop-in' (no booking required).
We are not a crisis counselling or drop-in centre (except our young women’s drop-in clinic on Tuesdays 3pm-5pm). Our practitioners see women by appointment. Phone or email us to find out more or to book an appointment: 02 4782 5133 or reception@bmwhrc.org. If you have an urgent medical condition, go straight to the hospital, or dial 000.
*This service is not appropriate for cis-men. We welcome all women and gender diverse people including trans-women, trans-men, intersex and non-binary people.